Phytopthora, caused by the fungus Phytophthora capsici and also known in peppers as damping off, root rot, crown rot, and stem and fruit rot, is responsible for significant crop losses throughout the country. It can attack the roots, stems, fruit, and leaves of the plant, leaving nothing but devastation in its wake.
Plant breeders have worked hard to deliver pepper varieties to the market that are resistant to Phytopthora. Resistance does not mean the plant is immune to the disease, but it will have a greater ability to overcome the pathogen. All pepper varieties listed in this article are resistant to Phytopthora.
Pepper Declaration F1
Pepper Declaration offers exceptional pack-outs of large, classy fruit. It's vigorous, erect, tall plants provide excellent leaf coverage and a continuous set. The shiny dark green, elongated fruit have eye appeal and are four lobed. High yields have been noted in growers’ fields. An excellent disease package includes resistance to BLS (races 1, 2, 3, 5) and Tomato Spotted Wilt virus, and intermediate resistance to CMV and Phytophthora.
Pepper Revolution F1

Intermediate resistance to Phytophthora, Pepper Revolution produces large to extra-large fruit and has a strong disease package. Medium tall pepper plants produce good yields of blocky fruit and have intermediate resistance to Phytophthora and CMV, and resistance to BLS (races 1, 2, 3, 5). The medium green to red maturing fruit has good wall thickness and a four lobed shape. Revolution peppers have been noted to have early maturity, concentrated set and good yield ability during cool growing periods.
Pepper PS09941819 F1
Pepper PS09941819 is a blocky, green to red maturing bell pepper that offers high resistance to BLS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and intermediate resistance to Phytophthora. It produces a continuous set of large to extra-large, 3 - 4 lobed, anthocyaninless fruit on medium large plants that offer good foliage cover. PS09941819 has also shown good field tolerance to silvering on the fruit.
Pepper Intruder F1
Pepper Intruder produces excellent sets of large size fruit that are firm and smooth. This green bell pepper hybrid is mid-season maturing and grows on a medium size plant that offers good cover to the fruit. It is well-adapted for the bell pepper growing regions in the Eastern United States. Intruder pepper also offers a strong disease package that includes high resistance to TEV and BLS (races 1,2,3). It also has intermediate resistance to Phytophthora.
Pepper Vanguard F1
Vanguard peppers offer intermediate resistance to Phytophthora, a continuous set and excellent foliage protection from its tall plants. Its blocky, mostly four-lobed fruit are medium to dark green in color ripening to red, free from silvering, and grade out to extra-large and jumbo sizes. Vanguard pepper plants have exhibited a high yield potential, a low percentage of culls at pack-out, and a uniform and consistent fruit shape throughout the harvest period. Intermediate resistance to Phytophthora and CMV, and resistance to BLS (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
Pepper Cortes F1
Pepper Cortes is a long horn type pepper that produces excellent yields of green fruit that ripen red and measure 6" long x 2-1/2" wide at the crown. It carries a great disease package that includes intermediate resistance to Phytophthora. Cortes has shown to be adaptable to all pepper growing areas and has performed well in open field and in protected culture plantings. Also Resistant to TMV, PVY (0,1,1.2), PMV, PYMV.
Pepper Currier F1

Green to red maturing, this blocky bell pepper offering exceptional fruit quality, which minimizes culls. Pepper Currier is very dark green and glossy extra large/large fruit. Early maturity on a compact plant that offers great cover, resistant to Bacterial Leaf Spot 1, 2, 3, Pepper Mottle Virus, PVY 0, 1 1-2 and TMV, and intermediate resistance to Cucumber Mosaic Virus and Phytophthora Capsici.
Pepper Turnpike F1

Pepper Turnpike is a beautiful blocky bell pepper that offers resistance to Bacterial Leaf Spot (0-5, 7-9), Phytophthora blight, and Tomato Mosaic Virus. Its thick-walled fruit ripen from deep green to red and measure 4.75" long x 4.5" wide. The 22-26" plants have a concentrated set and offer good protection to the fruit. Turnpike packs a strong punch in the fight against key diseases. Pepper Tarpon F1 With intermediate resistance to BLS (0-10) and Phytophthora, and a more refined fruit shape than Turnpike, Tarpon is a sure performer for the Northeast and Midwest. Smooth blocky dark green fruit are produced in a concentrated set on compact plants. High resistance to TMV.
Pepper Tarpon F1

With intermediate resistance to BLS (0-10) and Phytophthora, and a more refined fruit shape than Turnpike, Pepper Tarpon is a sure performer for the Northeast and Midwest. Smooth blocky dark green fruit are produced in a concentrated set on compact plants. High resistance to TMV.
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