Business Support

Tax exemption

Are you a business that's tax exempt?

Find my state's tax-exempt form

How it works

Sales tax is charged on all orders shipping to a state where we have sales tax nexus.  As of 7/1/2023, this includes all states with the exception of:

  • Alaska
  • Delaware
  • Montana
  • New Hampshire
  • New Mexico
  • Oregon

Sales tax will be charged on all purchases within those states unless we have your resale or tax-exempt certificate on file.  If you are tax exempt, please include your resale or tax-exempt certificate with your initial order.

Find your state’s tax exemption form

Please acquire the correct tax exemption form(s).

We’re asking all customers who qualify for an exemption to submit an exemption form as state regulations are changing rapidly. This is a serious concern for us and we want to ensure that we are only collecting sales tax where required.

We apologize; however, our lawyers have warned us against advising anyone on their individual tax statuses. If you have an accountant or attorney they should easily be able to help you with this.

Please submit your tax exempt form. If you place your order over the phone after we have processed your tax exempt form, tax will not be applied. If you place your order on our website as a new customer, tax may be applied (for your first order only), however we will refund any applicable tax charges after we process your order. For future online orders, you must log into your account to receive your exemption benefit.

We are putting up forms for the states that we are required to collect sales tax in as we register in each state but we have linked to your state's website where the form can be found. We’re asking all customers for an exemption form as state regulations seem to be changing constantly. This is a serious concern for us and we want to ensure that we are only collecting sales tax where required.

Submit online

Email your tax exempt form to

Email your form

Submit offline

Mail your tax exempt form to Harris Seeds via physical mail or fax.

Mailing Address
Harris Seeds
Attention: Credit Department
355 Paul Rd
P.O. Box 24966
Rochester, NY 14624

