Downloadable Forms
Tax Exempt Forms
Sales tax is charged on all orders shipping to a state where we have sales tax nexus. As of 7/1/2021, this includes all states with the exception of AK, DE, MT, NH, NM and OR. Sales tax will be charged on all purchases within those states unless we have your resale or tax-exempt certificate on file. If you are tax exempt, please include your resale or tax-exempt certificate with your initial order. Find tax exempt forms here.
Credit Application
We've all been there. Keeping control of finances can be a frustrating balance for you and your business. Harris Seeds proudly offers three credit options so you can kickstart a successful growing season while keeping financial stress at bay. Apply for the terms that best covers your business needs today!
30 Day Terms - The payment for your order is due 30 days from the date of invoice. A one-time minimum order of $100.00 is required.
Plug and Liner 90 Day Terms - The payment for your Plug and Liner order is due 90 days from the date of invoice. A cumulative order of at least $100.00 throughout the season (July 1st to June 30th) is required.
Extended Terms 11/1 - Invoices for flower and vegetable seed orders that ship between January 1st and June 30th are due by November 1st of the same year. Invoices for flower and vegetable seed orders that ship between July 1st and December 31st are due by November 1st of the following year. A cumulative order of at least $1000.00 throughout the season (July 1st to June 30th) is required.
Download a Credit Application. Return form to
Watermelon Waiver
Due to the potential liability of Watermelon Fruit Blotch (WFB), Gummy Stem Blight (GSB), Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus (CGMMV) and Anthracnose diseases with watermelon seed, we require a watermelon waiver form be signed and returned for all purchases of 1/4 lb. or 500 seeds or more of seeded varieties and for all purchases of seedless varieties and seedless pollinators.
A new disclaimer must be signed each year. Signed disclaimers from previous years are not valid for the current sales year. If you do not send in the release with your order, the form will be mailed to you. If we do not receive the completed and signed release within 30 days, your order will be canceled from our system.
Download Harris Seeds' Watermelon Waiver
Grower Trial Evaluation Form
Are you participating in our Grower Trial Program? Please use the form below to submit your evaluation. Your feedback is highly valuable and helps us to select the very best products available on the market. If you aren’t already participating in our Grower Trial Program and you want to get involved, please contact your regional sales representative.
Download Grower Trial Evaluation Form