Sweet Breed Bicolor Corn Seeds

All Bicolor  |  Supersweet  |  Sweet Breed  |  Sugary Enhanced  |  Synergistic

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These hybrids combine some of the best features of the su, se and sh sweet corn classes into excellent market varieties. They provide the seed quality and vigor of the su, the corn flavor and eating quality of an se and the high sugar, good shelf life and holding ability of an sh. The Sweet Breed™ hybrids are a solution to many of your production problems too, since they can be planted early and near su and se types. Isolate from supersweet (sh and shA), popcorn, field corn and ornamental corn. For best results, isolate from Normal Sugary (su) types. “Isolation” as used above can either mean at least 250 ft. apart, separated by an effective wind break, or 10 to 14 days difference in maturity because corn is wind pollinated.

Sweet Breed Bicolor Corn Seeds